Summary:‘Girls That Invest’

Tired of hear­ing “invest­ing is for men”? ‍It’s time to rewrite the narrative.

Girls That Invest is your pow­er­ful roadmap to finan­cial free­dom, shat­ter­ing out­dat­ed myths and empow­er­ing you to take con­trol of your future.

Author Sim­ran Kaur, finan­cial expert and founder of the “Girls That Invest” move­ment guides you step-by-step through the world of shares and stocks.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Why women excel at invest­ing (yes, you read that right!)
  • How to over­come lim­it­ing beliefs and build confidence
  • Action­able strate­gies to start invest­ing, even with small amounts
  • The best invest­ment options for dif­fer­ent risk lev­els and goals
  • How to align your invest­ments with your val­ues and make a pos­i­tive impact

Ready to ditch the fear and join the finan­cial­ly empow­ered revolution?

Read Sum­ma­ry: ‘Girls That Invest: Your Guide to Finan­cial Inde­pen­dence through Shares and Stocks’ for your key take­aways and start your jour­ney to finan­cial inde­pen­dence today!

Summary:'Girls That Invest'
Sum­ma­ry: ‘The Intel­li­gent Investor’ by Ben­jamin Graham

Key Points

  • Women out­per­form men in mar­ket returns: Due to their strate­gic, long-term plan­ning and less emo­tion­al invest­ing, women tend to see bet­ter returns than men.
  • Invest­ing is cru­cial for finan­cial free­dom: Invest­ing helps you beat infla­tion, reach your goals faster, and build finan­cial security.
  • Over­come lim­it­ing beliefs: Soci­etal por­tray­als and lack of open dis­cus­sions about mon­ey often dis­cour­age women from invest­ing. It’s cru­cial to chal­lenge these beliefs and build confidence.
  • Start with basic finan­cial lit­er­a­cy: Before invest­ing, under­stand your cash flow, tack­le high-inter­est debt, and build an emer­gency fund.
  • Explore dif­fer­ent invest­ment options: Choose from stocks, bonds, mutu­al funds, ETFs, REITs, and even alter­na­tive invest­ments like art and hand­bags, based on your risk tol­er­ance and goals.
  • Invest eth­i­cal­ly: Align your invest­ments with your val­ues by con­sid­er­ing ESG fac­tors, impact invest­ing, and positive/negative screening.
  • Achieve finan­cial inde­pen­dence: The FIRE move­ment (Finan­cial Inde­pen­dence, Retire Ear­ly) pro­vides a frame­work to build a pas­sive income stream through investing.
  • Embrace your strengths: Wom­en’s nat­ur­al propen­si­ty for long-term plan­ning and dis­ci­plined invest­ing gives them an edge in the market.

    Summary ‘Girls That Invest’

    Restric­tive mon­ey beliefs, struc­tur­al and insti­tu­tion­al imped­i­ments, sparse con­ver­sa­tions con­cern­ing finances, and unfa­vor­able por­tray­als of women and finances in the media prompt numer­ous females to inac­cu­rate­ly assume they lack pro­fi­cien­cy in invest­ing. Con­tem­plate how main­stream media show­cas­es female char­ac­ters: Pro­tag­o­nists like Sex and the City’s Car­rie Brad­shaw and Con­fes­sions of a Shopaholic’s Rebec­ca Bloom­wood fre­quent­ly make unsound finan­cial choices.

    Accord­ing to a Star­ling Bank analy­sis in 2018, 70% of finan­cial arti­cles aimed at men focused on invest­ing, while the ref­er­ences to women cen­tered on econ­o­miz­ing (e.g., tips for reduc­ing gro­cery expens­es). When the media high­lights women as invest­ment vir­tu­osos, it tends to spot­light cau­casian women. Eth­nic minor­i­ty women desir­ing to invest often encounter a lack of rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Giv­en that finances influ­ence every facet of life, from longevi­ty to resource acces­si­bil­i­ty and rela­tion­al health, it’s cru­cial to sur­mount restric­tive finan­cial beliefs.

    “The sole method to evade being ensnared in an unsup­port­ive cir­cum­stance is by attain­ing finan­cial liberty.”

    Post-mar­riage, women fre­quent­ly relin­quish earn­ing poten­tial, con­cen­trat­ing on domes­tic duties rather than career advance­ment. This prac­tice can ensnare women in detri­men­tal rela­tions while height­en­ing their finan­cial fragili­ty; for instance, numer­ous women con­front finan­cial dev­as­ta­tion post-divorce.

    Assume com­mand of your finances and strive for finan­cial auton­o­my to shield your­self and guar­an­tee per­pet­u­al auton­o­my to live life on your terms. Each woman should stash funds for piv­otal life tran­si­tions or emer­gen­cies. Devel­op your reserve through investing.

    From outperforming inflation to expediting financial goals, investing caters to females better than saving.

    There exist five para­mount rea­sons to com­mence investing:

    1. Sur­pass infla­tion — As per a 2015 Black­Rock sur­vey, women park near­ly 70% of their wealth in sav­ings accounts, lead­ing to annu­al infla­tion-relat­ed loss­es. Invest­ing in the stock mar­ket can yield an aver­age annu­al return of 7–10%, while infla­tion may cause a 2% annu­al erosion.
    2. Har­ness the com­pound­ing inter­est poten­tial — Giv­en that invest­ing begets returns annu­al­ly, you can dou­ble your cap­i­tal’s worth every decade with a mere 7% year­ly return.
    3. Attain objec­tives swift­ly — If you stow away $600 month­ly with­out invest­ing, it would neces­si­tate 138 years to accrue $1 mil­lion. Con­verse­ly, if you invest $600 month­ly at an 8% return rate, you would reach mil­lion­aire sta­tus in only 32 years.
    4. Rev­el in finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty and auton­o­my — Accord­ing to Salary Finance research, mil­len­ni­al women report more finan­cial anx­i­ety-induced pan­ic attacks than their male coun­ter­parts. By invest­ing and nur­tur­ing finan­cial inde­pen­dence, you enhance your com­plete phys­i­cal and men­tal health and well-being.
    5. Erect a supe­ri­or world — You can bol­ster orga­ni­za­tions ded­i­cat­ed to forg­ing a pos­i­tive soci­etal, envi­ron­men­tal, and gov­ern­men­tal imprint by eth­i­cal­ly invest­ing and select­ing busi­ness­es syn­chro­nized with your ethos and values.

    Vanquish prevalent misjudgments about investing that hinder women.

    Pos­si­bly, peo­ple cau­tioned you that invest­ing in the mar­ket leads to cap­i­tal loss, high­light­ing the per­ils of invest­ing. In actu­al­i­ty, though a short-term mar­ket down­turn might lead to finan­cial deple­tion, his­to­ry reveals mar­ket resur­gence con­sis­tent­ly post-down­turn, and this appre­hen­sion obstructs accu­mu­la­tive finan­cial ben­e­fits. Investors can elect a risk pro­file align­ing with their com­fort lev­el and scru­ti­nize the his­tor­i­cal per­for­mance and pro­jec­tions of their investments.

    “The ver­i­ty is, per­ceiv­ing invest­ing as exces­sive­ly intri­cate is a wide­spread fal­la­cy imped­ing most from commencement.”

    You might har­bor the belief that invest­ing tran­scends your com­pre­hen­sion. Nev­er­the­less, invest­ing is fair­ly straight­for­ward: Envi­sion the stock mar­ket akin to an enabler, anal­o­gous to eBay, enabling indi­vid­u­als to buy and vend a prod­uct — shares. Counter to pop­u­lar belief, invest­ing neces­si­tates min­i­mal funds to com­mence. Via “frac­tion­al shares,” you can invest in a minus­cule por­tion of a share, with a sig­nif­i­cant­ly low entry thresh­old. Where­as the for­mer invest­ment start could range from $1,000 to $10,000, today, invest­ing as min­i­mal as $10 can grant 1% own­er­ship in Alpha­bet, the par­ent com­pa­ny of Google, for instance.

    Allocate time to boost your rudimentary financial well-being before embarking on investing.

    Pre-invest­ing, acquaint your­self with the rudi­men­ta­ry fun­da­men­tals of per­son­al finance. Ini­tial­ly, estab­lish a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of your cash flow — the mon­ey you expend and earn. Ini­ti­ate track­ing your week­ly and month­ly dis­burse­ments to iden­ti­fy areas neces­si­tat­ing enhance­ment — from uti­liz­ing an appli­ca­tion to a note­book. Sub­se­quent­ly, tack­le any high-inter­est debts. Con­tem­plate refi­nanc­ing or con­sol­i­dat­ing to secure a more man­age­able inter­est rate.

    “The major­i­ty com­pre­hend their earn­ings as they receive a con­sis­tent income, yet few are aware of their expenditures.”

    Sub­se­quent debt res­o­lu­tion, estab­lish an emer­gency fund safe­guard­ing at least three months’ worth of expens­es in a sav­ings account. Map out your con­tri­bu­tions to a retire­ment account, ide­al­ly max­i­miz­ing employ­er incen­tives. While gov­ern­men­tal setups fur­nish a fun­da­men­tal­ly bal­anced fund, it’s para­mount you con­duct research and select what suits you best. Last­ly, sim­pli­fy your life by automat­ing finances. For instance, if you desire to invest $50 week­ly post-pay, auto­mate pay­ments to an account ear­marked for invest­ments, and then remit said funds to your bro­ker biweek­ly or monthly.

    From equities and bonds to Hermès and digital currency, opt for the finest investment choices to amplify your wealth.

    Adopt the role of an “investor in train­ing” and acquaint your­self with the fol­low­ing invest­ment gen­res, Select­ing the alter­na­tives that most fit­ting­ly match your requirements:

    • Equities/shares — Pur­chas­ing a small stake in a cor­po­ra­tion and becom­ing a stock­hold­er. If the com­pa­ny per­forms well, you stand to receive div­i­dends and wit­ness your invest­ment grow. Con­verse­ly, if the com­pa­ny under­per­forms, you may incur losses.
    • Deben­tures — Lend­ing mon­ey to a com­pa­ny or gov­ern­ment in return for a fixed inter­est rate. Bonds present low­er risk lev­els com­pared to stocks but offer a dimin­ished return rate.
    • Pooled Funds — Invest­ing in var­i­ous com­pa­nies with mixed com­bi­na­tions of stocks, bonds, and oth­er assets, known as a “bas­ket.” Typ­i­cal­ly, mutu­al fund man­agers charge a 1.4% fee for man­ag­ing your port­fo­lio, as han­dling these funds involves more active man­age­ment, though not uniformly.
    • Com­pos­ite Funds — These are assort­ments of stocks fol­low­ing a spe­cif­ic list; for instance, the NASDAQ rep­re­sent­ing the top 1000 US tech­nol­o­gy firms. Com­pos­ite funds are essen­tial­ly mutu­al funds but are man­aged pas­sive­ly rather than active­ly. Addi­tion­al­ly, com­pos­ite funds neces­si­tate a high­er ini­tial invest­ment amount due to a min­i­mum invest­ment requirement.
    • Exchange-Trad­ed Funds (ETFs) — Sim­i­lar to com­pos­ite funds, ETFs exhib­it a low­er entry thresh­old and expe­ri­ence price fluc­tu­a­tions through­out the trad­ing day.
    • Prop­er­ty Invest­ment Trusts — With real estate invest­ment trusts, investors can par­tic­i­pate in mul­ti­ple real estate com­pa­nies to prof­it from the real estate mar­ket with­out the oblig­a­tions of being a landlord.
    • Spec­u­la­tive Funds — Com­pa­ra­ble to mutu­al funds but man­aged by an invest­ment fund man­ag­er who under­takes riski­er invest­ments in the hopes of out­per­form­ing the market.
    • Mer­chan­dise and Uncon­ven­tion­al Invest­ments — Invest­ing in com­modi­ties (e.g., pre­cious met­als and agri­cul­tur­al prod­ucts) can serve as a hedge against infla­tion while diver­si­fy­ing your invest­ment port­fo­lio. Unreg­u­lat­ed invest­ments may encom­pass buy­ing art­work, lux­u­ry bags, NFTs, and dig­i­tal cur­ren­cies. Inter­est­ing­ly, a Her­mès Birkin bag can yield high­er returns than the stock market.

    Instigate beneficial change by patronizing companies that resonate with your principles.

    Aim­ing to con­tribute pos­i­tive­ly, Gen Z and mil­len­ni­als exhib­it more inter­est in eth­i­cal invest­ing than pri­or gen­er­a­tions. Anal­o­gous to “con­scious con­sumers,” eth­i­cal investors con­sid­er their soci­etal, reli­gious, moral, and eth­i­cal val­ues when eval­u­at­ing whether a fund or firm aligns ade­quate­ly with their stan­dards for invest­ment. Some investors take eth­i­cal invest­ing a step fur­ther by prac­tic­ing “social­ly respon­si­ble invest­ing” (SRI), ensur­ing that they exclu­sive­ly invest in com­pa­nies that uphold sus­tain­able busi­ness prac­tices. Engag­ing in SRI can be imple­ment­ed through Envi­ron­men­tal, Social, and Gov­er­nance (ESG) invest­ing, where the focus is on invest­ing sole­ly in com­pa­nies with a com­mend­able track record regard­ing ESG issues.

    “It is cru­cial to not only be an eth­i­cal investor but also a vig­i­lant one.”

    Oth­er con­sci­en­tious investors par­take in “impact invest­ing,” choos­ing to invest sole­ly in com­pa­nies they believe con­tribute pos­i­tive­ly to soci­ety. To make informed invest­ment deci­sions, con­sid­er employ­ing “pos­i­tive screen­ing” where you select the caus­es you endorse and invest sole­ly in com­pa­nies that meet your cri­te­ria. For instance, you could screen com­pa­nies to ensure they are eco-friend­ly, veg­an-friend­ly, or rec­og­nized as “Cer­ti­fied B Corps,” an accred­i­ta­tion reserved for enti­ties adher­ing to strin­gent social and envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance stan­dards. Sim­i­lar­ly, you can uti­lize “neg­a­tive screen­ing” to avoid invest­ments in com­pa­nies involved in prac­tices or prod­ucts con­flict­ing with your val­ues (e.g., ani­mal test­ing or arms manufacturing).

    Attain financial autonomy and retire prematurely by sustaining yourself on your investments.

    Through pru­dent invest­ment, you can progress toward achiev­ing finan­cial inde­pen­dence referred to as “FIRE” or “finan­cial inde­pen­dence, retire ear­ly.” The con­cept of FIRE was ini­tial­ly intro­duced by Vic­ki Robin in her 1992 pub­li­ca­tion, Your Mon­ey or Your Life. Adher­ents of the FIRE phi­los­o­phy endeav­or to con­struct invest­ment port­fo­lios that pro­vide the secu­ri­ty equiv­a­lent to a trust fund. In essence, FIRE advo­cates for build­ing a port­fo­lio enabling you to sub­sist on mere­ly 4% of the annu­al returns (aver­ag­ing between 7% and 10%) to retire before stan­dard retire­ment age. Ulti­mate­ly, finan­cial inde­pen­dence for many indi­vid­u­als equates to free­dom of time, which can be facil­i­tat­ed through invest­ments. Strive for FIRE by con­serv­ing a sub­stan­tial por­tion of your earn­ings (ide­al­ly, 60% to 70%), liv­ing fru­gal­ly, and select­ing a broad mar­ket index fund as your invest­ment vehicle.

    “When indi­vid­u­als express a desire to amass wealth, what they tru­ly seek is the free­dom to pur­sue their desires, often entail­ing free­dom of time.”

    The FIRE con­cept encom­pass­es three tiers: In a “sub­stan­tial FIRE,” a 4% with­draw­al equates to an annu­al amount exceed­ing $100,000; In a “min­i­mal FIRE,” the with­draw­al ranges between $25,000 and $35,000; Last­ly, in a “mod­est FIRE,” the 4% with­draw­al cov­ers only essen­tial expens­es such as mort­gage pay­ments, with sup­ple­men­tal lux­u­ries sus­tained through part-time work. Invest­ment returns can be pro­cured through cap­i­tal appre­ci­a­tion, with stocks appre­ci­at­ing annu­al­ly and gen­er­at­ing com­pound inter­est, div­i­dends dis­bursed by com­pa­nies as a per­cent­age of prof­its typ­i­cal­ly every quar­ter, or “blend­ed funds” amal­ga­mat­ing both approaches.

    Women’s inclination toward strategic, enduring planning equips them with a natural advantage in investment.

    Accord­ing to a 2021 Fideli­ty analy­sis, indi­vid­u­als iden­ti­fy­ing as women yield high­er returns (0.4% greater) in com­par­i­son to those iden­ti­fy­ing as men. Gold­man Sachs dis­cov­ered that near­ly half of hedge funds man­aged by women (48%) out­per­formed the mar­ket, while only 38% of male-man­aged funds achieved sim­i­lar results.

    “Women typ­i­cal­ly exhib­it supe­ri­or invest­ment per­for­mance, yet many remain hes­i­tant to com­mence investing.”

    Incor­po­rate sev­en approach­es that con­fer you a com­pet­i­tive edge in the realm of investment:

    1. Embrace Pas­sive Invest­ing — Favor­ing mar­ket par­tic­i­pa­tion through a pas­sive index fund, a pref­er­ence often observed in female investors, rather than select­ing indi­vid­ual com­pa­nies expect­ed to out­per­form the mar­ket, typ­i­cal­ly leads to supe­ri­or returns with min­i­mal involvement.
    2. Lever­age Dol­lar Cost Aver­ag­ing — Rather than attempt­ing to time the mar­ket per­fect­ly, this strat­e­gy involves invest­ing fixed amounts at reg­u­lar inter­vals, endur­ing mar­ket fluc­tu­a­tions, result­ing in a rea­son­ably priced accu­mu­la­tion over time.
    3. Adhere to a Plan — Avoid suc­cumb­ing to the Fear of Miss­ing Out (FOMO) invest­ing pat­tern by stick­ing to your invest­ment strat­e­gy, a trait com­mon­ly seen among women investors who are less influ­enced by peer pres­sure in their invest­ment decisions.
    4. Mon­i­tor Your Port­fo­lio Spar­ing­ly — Stud­ies indi­cate that fre­quent port­fo­lio mon­i­tor­ing cor­re­lates with reduced stock mar­ket earn­ings. Lim­it port­fo­lio checks to month­ly or quar­ter­ly inter­vals to pre­vent mak­ing hasty deci­sions amidst mar­ket fluctuations.
    5. Min­i­mize Trad­ing Activ­i­ty — Women tend to engage in few­er trades dur­ing mar­ket down­turns com­pared to men, result­ing in more favor­able long-term outcomes.
    6. Invest in Com­pre­hen­sion — Men often par­take in invest­ments of nov­el com­pa­nies or funds they don’t ful­ly grasp. When deal­ing with risky invest­ments (e.g., emerg­ing cryp­tocur­ren­cies), women investors tend to adopt a more cau­tious approach by invest­ing small­er amounts, there­by expos­ing them­selves to low­er risks.
    7. Reg­u­late Emo­tion­al Respons­es — Women demon­strate a low­er ten­den­cy to pan­ic dur­ing mar­ket down­turns and hasti­ly divest funds. Notably, female investors, when active, often out­per­form their male coun­ter­parts, dis­pelling pre­vail­ing stereo­types con­cern­ing women and finan­cial acumen.

    About the Author

    Sim­ran Kaur found­ed the pod­cast Girls That Invest, intend­ing to enhance finan­cial pro­fi­cien­cy among women and minor­i­ty groups. Addi­tion­al­ly, she serves as a finan­cial colum­nist and a respect­ed inter­na­tion­al TEDx speaker.


    As an avid book lover, I've channeled my passion for literature into creating, where I craft and share concise summaries of my favorite reads. My mission is to distill the essence of each book, making the world's wisdom accessible to fellow enthusiasts and curious minds alike. Join me on this journey of discovery and insight, one summary at a time.

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